Quote of the Day

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Words - pull part 1

Pull away

1 A vehicle or its driver pulls away when the vehicle starts moving after being stationary for a while, eg at the side of the road or at traffic lights:

The car pulled away into the wide street.

2 A person pulls away when they move back suddenly in alarm or suprise:

Lily pulled away from him and screamed.

Pull back

You pull back from something when you decide not to do it or not to be involved in it:

Jane disagreed, but pulled back from starting an argument

Pull down

A building or other structured is pulled down when it is deliberately taken down or demolished, eg to clear land or because it is unsafe:

1. People pull down lovely old houses because they're falling to pieces. 2. Most of the ancient city walls were pulled down twenty years ago.

Pull in or pull into

1 A vehicle or its driver pulls in or pulls into a place, when the vehicle leaves the road it has been travelling on and turns off or stops, eg at the side of of the road or at a filling station:

1. She pulled in on the opposite side of the road, and switched off the engine. 2. Pull into the side a minute and let's talk. 3. Eventually they pulled into the lane behind the house.

2 A train pulls into a station when it arrives there:

The train pulled into Woodburn, and Clare stepped out of the carriage.


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