Quote of the Day

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Memory boosters

Take a look at easy ways to increase your memory.

By Flora McCraith

It doesn’t matter how much education you have had or how high your IQ score is, the fact remains that as we get older our memory doesn’t stay as sharp as it once was and we tend to forget things easier. This is mainly because the neurons in our brain that are responsible for memory lose elasticity over time. However, there are still tricks that you can do to improve and expand your brain which don’t have to be boring. We give you a few examples on how to flex that grey matter.

Write it down

Writing things down is a great way to increase your brain’s ability to remember things as it creates oxygenated blood flow to the areas of your brain that are responsible for your memories and literally exercises them. It tells your memory what it is important to remember. You should keep a diary, start a blog or write detailed emails to yourself.

Treat depression

Anything that causes major stress in life, including anxiety or anger will eventually eat away at the parts of the brain that are responsible for memory. Depression causes an increase in cortisol which diminishes certain brain areas, chief among them the hippocampus which is the clearing center for short-term memory, prolonged depression demolishes the brain's ability to remember anything new.

Eat fish

Fish is also known as brain food and that is because it actually speeds up brain waves and improves concentration. Coldwater fish, such as salmon, tuna, mackerel, and herring are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids which are essential for brain health as they provide the physical building blocks necessary for the development and maintenance of the structural and functional ability of the brain.


A good brainstorming session to think of new, interesting ideas is a great way to enhance your brains ability to think resourcefully. Brainstorming is in fact a different way of thinking that will provide your brain with a quick creative boost.

Eat less

Eating too much food has the consequence of reducing blood flow to the brain and increasing blood flow to the digestive system. As a result if you are able to cut back on the full amount of food you are able to eat, you will have better brain functioning.

Ask questions

Asking questions is an extraordinary way to keep your brain in shape. The reason for this is that by asking questions can provoke new thoughts and ideas and asking them is a great way to build up brain power. Make sure that you get into the habit of questioning others and their thoughts.

Neurobic exercises

These will strengthen the neural pathways to the brain and consist of cognitive exercises and brain games which create new associations between different brain parts. Nuerobics include getting dressed or showering in the dark, using your opposite hand to brush your teeth, cooking foods that you haven’t cooked before or wearing your watch on your other arm.

Floss daily

Although this may sound like a strange one, flossing daily is actually essential when it comes to brain functionality because a build up of plaque between the teeth can cause an immune reaction that attacks the arteries, which then can’t deliver vital nutrients to the brain.

Do puzzles and play

Stimulating the brain causes measurable changes in the structure of the brain. New connections are made and new brain cells are grown. Intellectual play, as well as any playing that involves hand-eye coordination stimulates the brain. Similarly, crossword puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, and even good riddles are a great way to get brain exercise. You can work on them while waiting for a dentist appointment, or on the bus, if you are short on time. Drawing stimulates the right-hemisphere of the brain and inspires creativity. Get out the colored pencils and begin drawing your way to a powerful brain.



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